
R.I.P. Bob

Life can suck sometimes. Right now is one of those times.

I received an email yesterday. A very good friend passed away.

At this moment, all I really know is that no violence appears to be involved. That's good. And, Bob's in a better place. That's good too. Those are about the only good things I can think of right now.


For the one or two people that read this that don't know, here is the background...

I've known Bob for 18 years or so. Bob is part of the group of people that I consider my closest friends. Bob was an unofficial roommate during the Saratoga Days.

Obviously, there is a lot more that could be said.

But, if you weren't there you wouldn't understand no matter how much I tried to explain. And, if you were there, no explanation is necessary.


Bob was Bob. Once again, if you were there, I think you will know what that means.

There was no ONE center person. There was/is a group of us, and I like to think that we all revolved around each other to one extent or another.

Not coincidentally, I put on a bootleg CD (Cal Expo, May 93) to listen to while I typed this.

Some of you might recognize the lyrics of the song that just finished.

I might be the only one, but I find the a couple of the lyrics oddly appropriate at this moment.

"I'm going home. Back where I belong."


Bob ... Enjoy the rest of the Show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Well put
