It was a convoluted situation, but I'll try to make it short...
-Power outages
-internet outages due to power outages (no internet even after power came back)
-Screwed up computer (not virus)
Yep... all that stuff, plus the simple facts of life keep me away from computer.
I've been back online for a bit now, and I finally have a chance to sit down and type stuff. I won't cover EVERYTHING that has happened over the last couple of months or so, but I'll try to hit the highlights. It has been awhile, so this will be a long post... Can't really avoid that.
Bold will indicate separate topics, so scroll down to the next bold if you don't care about a specific thing.
So here we go...
Here a few pictures to get things started...

But I have a reason.

Quite cool actually.

I had a lot more pictures, but my old camera got stolen (I mean.. misplaced into someone else's hands.) And, like an idiot, I didn't save the older pictures to the computer, they were all sitting in the camera. So, the pictures you see now, are all new as of early September. (New camera.) I learned my lesson. I take tons of photos, and I save all the time now. They are on my work computer.
Will have more pictures to share later. Just need to search for the ones that are okay to post here on the intratubes, and then transfer them home.
New topic starts with the bold...
I'll be in the USA relatively soon.
I should arrive on or about November 20th. Leave again on the 30th, or so.
Yep. I will be returning to China. I like this place.
Lots of stuff I want to do, people I want to see, and things I want to do while I'm home.
Realistically, I won't be able to do everything I want. But, I'm gonna try my best.
Basically, I'm gonna have a few days in SF/SJ, a day or two with extended family for Turkey-Day, and a few days at the home I grew up in. Mixed in between those specific places, I need to try and deal with visa issues, buying things that don't exist in China (deoderant, Greek Seasoning, a casserole dish), and buying other things I just have to have... ie.. As many 25 cent paperback books as I can fit in my luggage. And, underwear that fits properly.
I'll let anyone who cares know about my plans as the time gets closer. I'm also accepting offers of rides to and from airports ;)
What I do for fun in Beijing...
As you might guess, I've settled into a little bit of a pattern. I've found things to do.
The summer was kinda harsh. I literally worked 7 days a week for 2 months. I've done it before, so it wasn't that bad. But, its not exactly what I wanted. The pay was nice though. Time-and-a-half? Nope. Try Quadruple-time. Was nice.
Now that summer is over, I have a semi-regular pattern.
-Wednesday-Sunday: Work
-Monday/Tuesday: Don't work
On Monday and Tuesday, I do the usual things... clean the house, go food shopping, ride my bike.
My co-workers think I'm crazy for the way I ride my bike.
-I did 2nd ring clockwise. A couple times.
-Then 2nd ring counter-clockwise. A couple times.
-PanJiayuan to ZhongGuanCun and back.... 8 hours including shopping time while at ZGC.
-The other day I did 3rd ring clockwise. Only 3 1/2 hours. I thought it would take at least 4 or 5 hours.
Next up... 3rd ring counter-clockwise.
Then, 4th ring
Then, 5th ring... Nah. Not really. 5th ring is FAR. Just going straight there and back is a day's bike ride.
6th ring? I've been past it, but there is no way I would try to do the whole thing in one day. Not possible for an amateur like me. Just reaching it, and coming back, takes a lonnnnng day.
So there we go... Thats my primary "fun thing". I ride my bike, and look at stuff. I stare, and get stared at. (I guess there's not many other white guys riding bikes in 90 degree weather in the backwaters of Beijing.)
There is a good side effect. I've lost around 40 pounds or so. I don't know exactly what I weighed before I came here. And, now, I only know what I weigh in kilos. But, by my best figuring.. I think about 40 pounds. Hell, if it wasn't for beer, I'd probably be a "lean, mean, fighting machine".
I do have stupid fun too...
The Goose & Duck - Open 24 hours. Sports Bar. Expat Bar. NFL via (South Africa?) ESPN. I can hang here fairly comfortably. I have some semi-regular pool partners, the waitresses and barkeeps like the English that I teach them, ("What the hell do you want?", "yeah, so?" "Hold your horses!", and other stuff like that.), and they are a good resting spot while I'm riding the bike.
New bold topic next...
I've taught myself to cook...
I've always been able to cook well enough to keep myself fed, but I've expanded my menu a bit.
Nowdays, part of my regular schedule is Monday... (my Saturday) ride to the "International Grocery Store".. Buy a steak, and some ground beef.
Monday is Steak night. Tuesday is Shepards Pie.
Usually, I do very untraditional Shepards Pie, almost like a Mexican version of Scottish Shepards Pie. But it works for me. Sometimes I go WAY traditional... Beef, sheep, AND pork.
I now make tomato sauce (aka Italian "gravy") by scratch. 40 tomatoes, 2 heads of garlic (heads, not cloves) , and 5 hours is just the the start.
Next, I want to learn how to make "jiao zhang mian". (I know I'm spelling that wrong. ) IMHO, this is the best "everyday, regular people, regular food" that China has. The sauce is the key. The sauce is awesome. I could eat this everyday.
Of course, there are things I miss about food US style...
I don't WANT PORK!
Cultural Note: In the US, if I say "meat", what do you think of? Probably, beef. China is different. For one, you just don't say "meat". But, if you did, people would assume "pork".
I'm tempted to claim myself as a Muslim, just so I don't have to see the stuff any more.
Bold upcoming...
Holiday week upcoming
Next week is a holiday week in China. Me and 49 other people are going to Mongolia for 5 days. We are doing some kind of "Adventure Driving" thing thru some desert or something. Start. Use the GPS to get . Our destination is some place in Inner Mongolia. No roads. Low temp is 0, high is around 40. We camp at least one night in the desert... Wild wolves are roaming. 4 foot deep mud pits. I'm the only white guy. (From what I understand... You won't find this on an organized tour. My friends friend does this stuff for fun. So, since I know her, I got myself invited to a trip to the wilderness. With tourist town at the other end.)
So psyched!
Okay... I'm starting to ramble, and this post has gone on long enough, so I'll stop now.
Say hi in the comments.
It makes me feel warm inside when you do!
Will have more pictures to share later. Just need to search for the ones that are okay to post here on the intratubes, and then transfer them home.
New topic starts with the bold...
I'll be in the USA relatively soon.
I should arrive on or about November 20th. Leave again on the 30th, or so.
Yep. I will be returning to China. I like this place.
Lots of stuff I want to do, people I want to see, and things I want to do while I'm home.
Realistically, I won't be able to do everything I want. But, I'm gonna try my best.
Basically, I'm gonna have a few days in SF/SJ, a day or two with extended family for Turkey-Day, and a few days at the home I grew up in. Mixed in between those specific places, I need to try and deal with visa issues, buying things that don't exist in China (deoderant, Greek Seasoning, a casserole dish), and buying other things I just have to have... ie.. As many 25 cent paperback books as I can fit in my luggage. And, underwear that fits properly.
I'll let anyone who cares know about my plans as the time gets closer. I'm also accepting offers of rides to and from airports ;)
What I do for fun in Beijing...
As you might guess, I've settled into a little bit of a pattern. I've found things to do.
The summer was kinda harsh. I literally worked 7 days a week for 2 months. I've done it before, so it wasn't that bad. But, its not exactly what I wanted. The pay was nice though. Time-and-a-half? Nope. Try Quadruple-time. Was nice.
Now that summer is over, I have a semi-regular pattern.
-Wednesday-Sunday: Work
-Monday/Tuesday: Don't work
On Monday and Tuesday, I do the usual things... clean the house, go food shopping, ride my bike.
My co-workers think I'm crazy for the way I ride my bike.
-I did 2nd ring clockwise. A couple times.
-Then 2nd ring counter-clockwise. A couple times.
-PanJiayuan to ZhongGuanCun and back.... 8 hours including shopping time while at ZGC.
-The other day I did 3rd ring clockwise. Only 3 1/2 hours. I thought it would take at least 4 or 5 hours.
Next up... 3rd ring counter-clockwise.
Then, 4th ring
Then, 5th ring... Nah. Not really. 5th ring is FAR. Just going straight there and back is a day's bike ride.
6th ring? I've been past it, but there is no way I would try to do the whole thing in one day. Not possible for an amateur like me. Just reaching it, and coming back, takes a lonnnnng day.
So there we go... Thats my primary "fun thing". I ride my bike, and look at stuff. I stare, and get stared at. (I guess there's not many other white guys riding bikes in 90 degree weather in the backwaters of Beijing.)
There is a good side effect. I've lost around 40 pounds or so. I don't know exactly what I weighed before I came here. And, now, I only know what I weigh in kilos. But, by my best figuring.. I think about 40 pounds. Hell, if it wasn't for beer, I'd probably be a "lean, mean, fighting machine".
I do have stupid fun too...
The Goose & Duck - Open 24 hours. Sports Bar. Expat Bar. NFL via (South Africa?) ESPN. I can hang here fairly comfortably. I have some semi-regular pool partners, the waitresses and barkeeps like the English that I teach them, ("What the hell do you want?", "yeah, so?" "Hold your horses!", and other stuff like that.), and they are a good resting spot while I'm riding the bike.
New bold topic next...
I've taught myself to cook...
I've always been able to cook well enough to keep myself fed, but I've expanded my menu a bit.
Nowdays, part of my regular schedule is Monday... (my Saturday) ride to the "International Grocery Store".. Buy a steak, and some ground beef.
Monday is Steak night. Tuesday is Shepards Pie.
Usually, I do very untraditional Shepards Pie, almost like a Mexican version of Scottish Shepards Pie. But it works for me. Sometimes I go WAY traditional... Beef, sheep, AND pork.
I now make tomato sauce (aka Italian "gravy") by scratch. 40 tomatoes, 2 heads of garlic (heads, not cloves) , and 5 hours is just the the start.
Next, I want to learn how to make "jiao zhang mian". (I know I'm spelling that wrong. ) IMHO, this is the best "everyday, regular people, regular food" that China has. The sauce is the key. The sauce is awesome. I could eat this everyday.
Of course, there are things I miss about food US style...
I don't WANT PORK!
Cultural Note: In the US, if I say "meat", what do you think of? Probably, beef. China is different. For one, you just don't say "meat". But, if you did, people would assume "pork".
I'm tempted to claim myself as a Muslim, just so I don't have to see the stuff any more.
Bold upcoming...
Holiday week upcoming
Next week is a holiday week in China. Me and 49 other people are going to Mongolia for 5 days. We are doing some kind of "Adventure Driving" thing thru some desert or something. Start
So psyched!
Okay... I'm starting to ramble, and this post has gone on long enough, so I'll stop now.
Say hi in the comments.
It makes me feel warm inside when you do!
been wondering where you been.
Good to see something from you!
5 words... Talkative as always I see ;)
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