
Magores is a Tourist

I did tourist stuff this week.

On Wednesday, I went to the Forbidden City and spent all day there.

To be honest, it wasn't the best time I've had in Beijing.

The stuff was cool. And, the sheer size of the Forbidden City was amazing in and of itself.


Here's two things I have learned about visiting Beijing...
1) Don't go during tourist season. (I haven't experienced this yet. Only been here during winter. But I trust this advice.)
2) Don't go during major Chinese holidays. (This is what I DID experience.)

China is currently coming towards the end of the Spring Festival (aka Lunar New Years Eve Week). Basically, everyone goes "home" and/or visits family.

Leaving my house each day, it seems that Beijing (as a whole) has gone somewhere else. Arriving at the Forbidden City, I realize this is where Beijing has gone.

I'm talking people. LOTS of people. LOTS AND LOTS of people. 99.9% of the people are Chinese. I do see some non-chinese walking around, but not too many.

I did happen to get close to a few non-Chinese while waiting in line for stuff, and happened to hear them talking. Lots of German. A little French too.

I happen to live near a very popular tourist spot. The PanJiaYuan Antique Market. Probably the only popular tourist spot in this area of the city. I've been there a few times. Lots of German and French there too.


Anyway... Forbidden City.. Lots of people.

The Forbidden City isn't actually the Forbidden City. It's the "Palace Museum". Forgive me if I use the terms interchangeably.

So, anyway... It costs 40RMB to enter the Palace Museum. And another 40RMB if you want the audio tour thing. I opted against the audio tour. I figured, I would just wander aimlessly, and see what I see.


So what did I see?

LOTS of people.

Fair warning... Do NOT try to be a tourist at tourist spots during major Chinese holidays.

Other than people... What did I see?

Some cool stuff actually.

They had sections devoted to the Dowager Empress, and that one guy, and that other guy.

Really, some of the stuff was really darn cool. But...

1) Too many people
2) Stuff was too far away.

I think I may have gotten one or two good pictures, so as soon as I find a way to upload them, I'll share.


Another "feature" of the Forbidden City is the art students.

You'll be walking along, minding your own business, when two people will walk up to you. They start chatting, asking where you are from, and would you like to go see their art collection? And all of this in perfect English.

I had actually experienced this before.

About a month ago, I went to Tiananmen Square, the Chairman Mao display, etc. I did everything except go into the Palace Museum. That time, I was rather "curt" with the art students. "No. No. No." This time, I decided that I would go with the flow. Never know. Might be good stuff.

So... Here they come. "Mongolian Art Student. Scholarship. Please look." "Sure", I replied. "Keep in mind though. I live in Beijing. I work in Beijing. I make Chinese wages. I will not buy anything. Wo bu shi you ke. (I am not a tourist.) Still want me to come?"

They still wanted me to look, so I followed and did. Interesting stuff. The modern art stuff was crap, but I did like some of the brush painting things. In passing, I mentioned that I liked one of a rooster. As I tried to leave, I was offered the rooster picture for only 80RMB.

Now here's the kicker... If I was a tourist, I probably would have bought it. I really did like it. And, 80RMB is only 10USD, so what the hell? Problem is... I really DO live in Beijing, and really DO make Chinese wages. Albeit... Not "bad" Chinese wages.

Ironically/Interestingly/Amusingly enough, as I turned to walk out, a 60ish year old American lady was standing right behind me. She commented that she really did like some of the pieces, but she was afraid of paying too much. "What's it really worth?" she asked.

In my best diplomatic voice, I responded... "It's like any art you find anywhere in the world. It's worth what you think its worth. I like some of these pieces too. But, I live here, and work here. 80RMB to people that live here "means" something. It's only 10USD to you. If you like it, go for it."

I really do hope that lady bought something.


After escaping the art students, I eventually found my way outside.

(Did I mention that all the art students claim to be from Mongloia, and that are all hot?)

Once outside, as I was taking a deep breath after escaping from the mass of humanity inside the museum, I found myself greeted by 2 gentlemen. Nicest guys in the world. We chatted for close to an hour. Total undercover government dudes. Totally.

I'm a very open person. Don't really have much to hide. Ask me what I think, and I'll tell you.
-"How do you like Beijing?" - "Like it very much"
-"How long are you visiting?" - "Not visiting. Living. I live here."
-"What do you do?" - "I teach English to kindergartners."
-"President Bush?" - "Idiot"
-"President Hu Jin Tao?" - "I don't have the knowledge or the right to comment, so I won't"

Those aren't exact quotes, but that is the jist of the conversation.


And then I went home.


So there we are...

Tourism "Magores Style"
-Complain about quantities of people, in a nation of 1 billion
-Give Art reccomedations while not buying squat himself
-Insult the President of the US



Did I say something wrong?


Magores goes Random

Okay.... Here is just some random stuff...

1) Fireworks are STILL going off.
2) Went to the Forbidden City (aka Palace Museum) yesterday (Details later.) A
3) Talked to Undercover Chinese spy guys at the Forbidden City yesterday. (It was obvious what they were. I told them G. Bush was a shithead. It's true. He really is a shithead. They remarked about my "frankness". My response: "What's the problem? He IS a stupid shithead! I'm not saying anything that you didn't know already!") (Spys... Details later)
4) Lot of Mongolian art students in Beijing
5) Mongolian women are hot. I'm serious. They really are.
6) Magores is moving to Mongolia after Beijing.
7) Magores lit a string of 2000 firecrackers. Still has all 21 of his original digits.
8) G Bush is a dumb shithead.
9) Bob Mould rocks
10) China prefers "pop" music. REALLY CRAPPY POP MUSIC. Thanks the God of Anti-Pop that he brought good stuff with him.

10 random thoughts. Enough for us to get by for a day or two?