
Magores is trying to upload pictures, but its not working

I promised more pictures from Mongolia, but for some reason its not working.

I'll try again later, and see what happens.

One interesting part of being here is the way the internet works.

Basically, sometimes it doesn't.

There are some sites that I could not access from here:
-http://www.bbc.co.uk/ was one, but the front page, at least, seems to be okay now
-My own blog was another one, but that has been okay since sometime in the summer (when I didn't have access myself)
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page was another. But, once again, the main page seems okay at the moment. (A quick look at slashdot shows this has been true for just a week or so.)

If you read between the lines, you may notice that... Yes, I was unable to access this site before September. But, how did I post things before that? Welcome to the internet-China style.


I'm sure that the no-picture thing is just a temporary glitch, but then again... You never know.

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