Kinda sucked. I wasn't able to upload more than a couple at one time, so this took a little while. Hopefully, you'll think the time spent was worthwhile.
These pictures were all taken on October 5... The last day of the Mongolia trip. Why did I skip all the way to the last day? No reason.
These pictures are mostly landscapes.
The night of 10/4 we stayed in Chifeng. Then, on the 5th we drove from Chifeng to ... (can't remember the name right now). In ??? we had lunch at an obnoxiously fancy restaraunt. The food was exotic crap like the Emporer and his buddies used to eat.
Also in ??? was a old Emporer retreat. Beijing gets very hot, and very cold. So he would come here to escape the extreme weather. We did the park... Paid for the guide, the bus ride to the top, the private golf cart escort to the bottom, and the horse ride just for grins and giggles.
After all that, we finally headed home.
The following are just a few pictures from that day. (Actually, I only took a few pictures that day... The memory card on my camera was full. I had to keep looking for things to delete, in order to take new pictures.)
As usual...
1) Click on the picture to see a bigger version. Bigger is always better.
2) Descriptions are ABOVE the photo.
The hotel we stayed at in Chifeng was next door to the main government building for the city. What do you see at a government building? Inevitably... A flag.

Down the road a bit was the new main government building for the area (not just the city). Place was HUGE. Distinctive style of architecture.
The only reason we were allowed to drive our car to where it is, is because the driver had some kind of special placard that signified, "We have already been checked out by authorities bigger than you. And those guys say we are allowed to go places and do stuff."
(aka... "These aren't the droids you're looking for.")
I'm breaking my little rule about pictures of people, because even in the big size,
noone is really identifiable.
Here you see
1) The boss I'm not hitting on, 2) My friend, the driver,
3) The cop, saying "I know you have clearance, but can you PLEASE move? I'll get in trouble."
The only reason we were allowed to drive our car to where it is, is because the driver had some kind of special placard that signified, "We have already been checked out by authorities bigger than you. And those guys say we are allowed to go places and do stuff."
(aka... "These aren't the droids you're looking for.")
I'm breaking my little rule about pictures of people, because even in the big size,
noone is really identifiable.
Here you see
1) The boss I'm not hitting on, 2) My friend, the driver,
3) The cop, saying "I know you have clearance, but can you PLEASE move? I'll get in trouble."

Of course, this is a fairly rural part of China, so we saw plenty of these...

After leaving Chifeng, we drove for a good while. 4 hours? 5 hours? Something like that.
The next batch of pictures are landscapes from Chifeng down to that other city that I can't remember the name of for the life of me.
The next batch of pictures are landscapes from Chifeng down to that other city that I can't remember the name of for the life of me.

The people were having a controlled burn in the fields in this picture.

I mentioned that we went to the park that used to be a retreat for the Emporer(s).
Here is a random picture from there.
Here is a random picture from there.

There is one thing that I don't quite "get" about China, and the world outside of the US.
It seems to me that the US, as a country, has a fairly short memory.
You attacked us 60 years ago? Okay. That was then.
You were pointing nukes at us 30 years ago? Okay. That was then.
For better or worse, Americans tend to "move on".
Other parts of the world don't quite think the same way.
Some places hold grudges for longer than Americans can understand.
(This American, at least.)
Maybe its just short attention spans due to TV?
Notice this placard in the museum we went to.
The text is fairly straightforward, but the title is telling...
It seems to me that the US, as a country, has a fairly short memory.
You attacked us 60 years ago? Okay. That was then.
You were pointing nukes at us 30 years ago? Okay. That was then.
For better or worse, Americans tend to "move on".
Other parts of the world don't quite think the same way.
Some places hold grudges for longer than Americans can understand.
(This American, at least.)
Maybe its just short attention spans due to TV?
Notice this placard in the museum we went to.
The text is fairly straightforward, but the title is telling...

1 comment:
Beautiful country. It's because the US has such a short history and is a country of immigrants that we don't hold on to the past.
Very few of us live on the same land that our ancestors have for the last 100 + yrs. You might be an irish/american, but you are an american first; irish second. Plus most of us are irish/german/greek/english/etc and not just one ethnic group. It's hard to hold a gruge when it's against your own.
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