
Magores the &(^&T%@&^%$#%& !!!!

Here's another post that I wrote in advance of internet access... The date references make more sense if you keep in mind that I wrote this 9 days or so before I posted it.

Okay, so I didn't get internet installed on Friday like I expected. Basically, my fault. I had to go out and buy a NIC. In between Thursday afternoon and Thursday night, I broke the one I had. Long story.

Even longer story is one about China's version of customer service. I'm not going to tell that story right now. I'll do that later. For the moment, let me just say that US retailers/customer service reps should be ashamed of themselves. Of course, if the US version of service is what you are used to, then the VERY helpful version of things can be quite frustrating. But, as I said, that's a story for another time.

At the time I'm typing this, I still don't have internet installed, but I thought I would type this in advance. That way, I can post some stuff once I do have internet installed.

So, anyway... Two days ago, I was leaving the kindergarten I work at on Wednesdays and Fridays. I was walking up the street looking to hail a cab. (Which is actually fairly easy in this town.) Just minding my own business, thinking about what had happened, and what was next... The normal thing. Out of the corner of my ear, I hear someone shout...


Now, I don't know alot of Chinese, but I know this one. Someone had just called me a bad name. And, it was the first time I had heard it directed at me.

Some people will tell you that "Laowei" is not a bad name. And, in many circumstances, I would agree. For example... One American in China meets another, "Yo. Laowei, whats up?" This is not bad. Two Germans in China see each other. In passing each other, with a smile, each says to the other "Laowei". This is not bad. An Australian meets a Chinese friend for lunch. As they walk near each other, the Chinese friend says, "What do you want to eat today Laowei?" Once again, this is not bad.

What happened to me was a bit different. A random guy peddling his 3 wheeled bicycle contraption SHOUTED from across the street... "LAOWEI!"

This is bad.

Since this was the first time I had heard this in China, especially since it was the first time it was directed at me, I really couldn't react. It actually took another couple seconds before I realized what had just happened.

It's probably a good thing it took me a moment to translate things in my head. Had I realized what had happened as it happened, I might have shouted a suitable response in Chinese. (Yes, I can say bad things in Chinese. I learned most of them before I came here. And, No. I have never used any of them.) Of course, its never a good idea to curse at a construction worker, no matter where you are, or what your native language is.

Anyway... Being the sensitve soul that I am (cough, cough), I was quite shocked. Shocked I say! What do you want from me? Here I am, doing my part to teach English to children in China. I'm trying my best to learn Chinese (Only fair after all... Come to America, speak English. Come to China, speak Mandarin.) I gave up one life to start another, and what is my reward? Random dude calls me a "Laowei!"???!!

Not right at all. It actually effected me for a good solid 4 hours or so. (Thick skin.)

By now, I suppose you are wondering what "Laowei" means.

It means "foreigner".


Magores said...

WooHoo! I have comments!

And, obviously, I can see them! And respond to them!

Don't ask me how I did it. Officially, I can't. But I can.

For now at least.

So, any and all.... comment to your hearts desire. I'll respond as I can. For example...

Old Guy...

Trust me. I am the thickest-skinned sensitive guy you'll ever meet. I've been called worse than this by my friends and family, so something like this isn't going to keep me down for long.

I'm blessed/cursed to be fundamentally happy person. (aka. I'm just too darn dense to realize I should be angry/mad/sad/whatever.) [ I can hear the peanut gallery snickering from here! ]

And, thank you. Glad to know someone finds these posts at least mildly interesting and/or amusing.

Anonymous said...

Someone else finds your posts extremely entertaining, interesting AND amusing! Especially the part about you being a basically happy guy LOL! The peanut gallery is on the floor. But that just means that you are really enjoying it there. And that's wonderful. I miss you TONS cuz and its great to get your wit and your daily Chinese lessons via your blog.

But one thing in my life that's just missing and no one but you and I seem to get the concept. The Gay/Straight/Bi/WHATEVER game (which so isn't interesting in NSB Florida) and the Are they or aren't they GETTING ANY game. I little more interesting but apparently standards are lower here. Either we are just too funny or we were really really bored. ;-)