
Magores and Sports in China

Just thought I would take a moment to comment on Sports in China...

aka... Table Tennis

Seems to be a big deal around here. It seems to be on TV quite a bit. Personally, I don't really understand the fascination.


Basketball is HUGE in China. There is always a basketball game on one of the channels. The NBA, Chinese college ball, etc.

Too bad I don't like basketball.


Baseball isn't a big thing here. Never see it on any of the regular channels. However, ESPN is available at "my chosen bar". I think the last 3 times I have been there, it just so happens that the Giants were playing. Must have something to do with Mr Barry "Nope, no steroids here" Bonds and the home run thing.

I love it. I think baseball is a great game. It's my spectator sport of choice. (Even more than football.) I like the chance to watch the games. I seem to be the only person that watches. Not many Americans around. LOTS of people that speak English, but they're aren't US. Baseball is primarily an American sport, so... People don't really seem to care.


Cricket is an interesting game. I have pretty much no idea what is going on. I like watching it though.

As far as I can tell, you have one guy throwing a ball as hard as he can at the balls of another guy. He has to bounce the ball at least once before it hits the other guy. The other guy is protecting his manhood with a flat board.

I haven't noticed alot of baserunning, so if anything I think its very similar to OTL. (San Diegans should recognize the OTL reference.)

Cool game, I think.

Speaking of "balls"...


I haven't had the chance to experience US football in China.

I know now when and where to go though. Next season I'll be prepared.

The OTHER football I see all the time.

Soccer is everywhere on TV... It's not bad. You can see the plays developing, and sometimes it's kind of exciting.

Oddly enough. I never see Chinese Soccer. Lot of Manchester United though.

Of course, there are other versions of football...

Rugby and Aussie Rules

Cool stuff. No denying it. Cool games.

I found a different pub the other day. Much closer to the tourist area than my normal wateriing hole. Apparently, their whole reason for being is to show Aussie Rules, Rugby, Soccer, and (I assume) American football. If i8t involves a ball and feet, they show it.

Good little pub.

Plus the head waitress girl was hot.

I also met a really cool guy there. Turns out he works for the US government Dept of Agriculture. Nice guy. He's been stationed in China, Thailand, Somalia, Nigeria, and God knows where else. Interesting person to talk to. Hung out with him and his friend, and his friends actor friends from LA. Was a good time.

Of course, not all sports involve a ball...

Boxing and the UFC

Once again, ESPN does me good.

Brutal sports? Yep. Cool? Yep.

Oh yeah... Volleyball. They show that on TV alot around here. I admit I don't care unless its the women playing :)

So there you go...

My take on "Sports in China".

1 comment:

Magores said...

My first blog spam!
