
Magores re: blog changes, voting, Mongolia

The blog...

A little different look, a little wider, some new links, a Chinese lesson of the Day/Week/Whatever


Tomorrow is "Embassy Day"

My main "thing" for tomorrow is to go to the US Embassy.

I need to find out how to vote. Never done absentee while in a foreign country before. Dunno how it works.

I won't tell you how to vote, nor will I tell you how I am voting, but I WILL tell you to go vote.

You have to do it. It's your DUTY as a US citizen. It's not only your "Right". It's your "DUTY".

While I'm there, I also have some questions about renewing the Visa, and other housekeeping-type issues.

I'll have more pictures of Mongolia in a few days.

I did some file rearranging today.

Turns out I have a few more pictures than will fit on one CD. And, that doesn't include the movies that I have either.

Basically, I need to find time to sit at a co-workers computer and move things around/sort/select/etc. (Damn her for using her own computer!)

Plus, there are some that I want to get printed. Thats even more sorting and selecting.

It's times like this that I wish I had a 1 terabyte USB drive, so I could just save everything and not worry about it. But, I don't. So, I have to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please contact me asap re: family emergency. Elaine